Anne McCarthy Bartlett

I have been married for thirty-one years (one and only) to Richard S. Bartlett (graduate of U of I Champaign-Urbana). Rick retired last year after thirty-eight years with the Federal Government (4 years Air Force-Nam). I have not quite decided if I am retired yet. I was a teacher - Secondary English Education (graduate of University of Central Florida). I taught 6th grade Literature, Reading and Drama in a Title One Magnet school. Last year we packed our bags, sold off and gave away most everything to move to Mexico - which we did. After a few months we came back to the states and purchased a lovely home (10th one) in a small town in North Carolina. We still have a casa in San Miguel de Allende GTO Guanato (and no that is not the correct spelling). We are there quite often.
We keep busy with volunteering.
We have two lovely daughters Kate -28 a graduate from Virgina Tech and Elisabeth 27, who hasn't quite decided what she wants to do as she is following in her mothers footsteps.