In 67 & 68 I shared an apartment with a model, dated a college basketball
team and danced until I dropped at the Barn in St Charles. Late in November
of 68 I headed for San Francisco but only got as far as Modesto, Ca where I went
to work for Teamster Local 748, this was the local who went into the Salinas
fields to oppose Caesar Chavez and the farm workers. It was a very interesting
time...lots of stories - but not here. I finally got to san Francisco.
I started working for the teamster union there, but found it to be a little too
life threatening. I then went into civil service where I got a job as a
protocol assistant for 7 years at the Presidio of San Francisco. I was coordinator
for all army military formal activities. It was very interesting as I
worked with many foreign visitors. It was a tough job (not). I had
to get to know San Francisco's restaurants and hotels for tours for the
visitors. the restaurants and hotels gave us free meals and tours of the hotel rooms.
They all wanted our business. learning the formal
customs of many countries. The highlight was when Weinberger discovered us
and I worked with Washington coordinating several Department of Defense visits.
During this time I joined the army reserve where I became a psyop specialist.
I spent some time in Korea and Hawaii. almost got to go to Thailand and
the Philippines but it turned into an all male activity. I was in Hawaii
when Marcos ran off with the country's funds and Imelda's shoe collection.
I watched the money being unloaded in the diaper boxes at the airport.
After this, I went to work as a legal secretary (more like Della Street to Perry
Mason). I worked for 8 years for one of the top employment and tradition
labor law attorneys, (I had spell check). we were on the cutting
edge of drug testing and sexual harassment. I hate to admit it, but I enjoyed
the harassment cases. They read like soap operas. During this time I
got into my true passion! - afghan hounds. To this day I show and rescue
afghans. I burn!
(636) 215-5754
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