Donna Young Webster

Hello ALL,  Sorry to say that John & Donna (Young) Webster will not be able to attend the reunion.  We have a prior commitment that is very important to us.  We are organizers of a golf tournament in Durango, Colorado with and for friends which honors our dearest friend who died of brain cancer five years ago.  The funds raised go to the local fire dept. and local hospital of which he was a board member.
 It would be fun to see everyone and catch up on 40 years but it is not meant to be for the Websters.  As I have told those of you I have been in touch with via E-mail :  I live in Godfrey, Ill. with my husband John, of thirty years.  We have 3 children, ages 24,25 &27.  No one is engaged or married so , no, we are not grandparents. ( Actually that is the furthest thing from my mind) John and I are very active in the St. Louis Community as well as the Alton/ Godfrey community. John has a law practice (both Mo. & Ill) and never plans to retire and I do a lot of volunteer work. We travel some, mostly to visit our kids.  Two live in New York and one in Los Angeles.
I hope those of you attending have a wonderful time and only remember the GOOD things about me.
Donna Young Webster

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