I graduated from Cornell College in
1971; in 1972, Kathy and I were married and will celebrate our 35th anniversary
this July 28, 2007.
We have four children: Chris ( 30 years old ) will graduate from medical
school on May 21, 2007 and will take his residency in Kansas City, MO.
Dane ( 28 years old ) lives in St. Louis and works for Seilers Medical Group -
both were wrestlers in high school ( did better than their Dad ); Carrie, our
oldest daughter ( 25 years old )played soccer at St. Joseph's Academy and St.
Louis University - graduated from SLU in 2004, but is going back for graduate
work in nursing.
Our youngest daughter, Kelly ( 16 years old ), attends St. Joseph's Academy and
plays soccer and tennis.
I am still in the commercial insurance business, have been for 36 years, and
with Arthur J. Gallagher and Co.
Kathy and I are both doing well and look forward to seeing everyone at the
Email: 6carlson@msn.com
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