Lei Loni Johnson Bradley
Lei Loni Johnson Bradley - lei_bradley@yahoo.com
hard to put into a “few” words what has happened since I left Pattonville.
My senior year I attended and graduated from
Immediately after graduation, I moved to
In 1979, we moved to
My husband is a teacher in our Seventh-day Adventist denominational school system so we have moved a number of times, seen a lot of country, and made a lot of friends. We have lived in Chicago, IL, Brighton, CO, Memphis, TN, Farmington, NM, Ridgecrest, CA, Boise, ID, and, currently, Las Vegas, NV.
I attended Cerro Coso Junior College, in Ridgecrest, CA, from January 2001-May 2003, when I graduated with Associate Degrees in Business Administration, Business Management, Business Office Technology, Computer Applications and Marketing.
Since leaving
We’ve had a full life. I often think of classmates from Pattonville—I remember when Don Massey threw a block of wood (in the shop room) during driver’s ed, when the teacher was out—and I had to have stitches. I think we were in the same English class from 7th grade on.
I did see Marsha Mahoney in
We don’t get to
Lei Bradley