Richard N. Soles, aka: "Furie"
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Greetings classmates... Since '67 when was that? After three great years at Pattonville I transferred to Pacific Palisades High for my senior year, took Architectural courses and Physics, played baseball for the team and was scouted by the LA Dodgers. But as life would have it I had to move back to St. Louis w/my adopted parents. Joining the Army was interesting and spent time being a mechanic for Tanks and other equipment, lost 6 years that way. Met my wife at an apartment I shared with Jeff Gantt, where we had some GOOD POOL Parties, remember Greg Frick, John Busenhart? Pool parties, and watching images on the living room wall, Hmmmm. Ok, I moved to Milwaukee to work for Harley Davidson on the final assembly line and lived only 3 blocks from the plant... I married a small town girl who was a nurse and have been married for 35 years, we have two daughters and one grandbaby, she's now 23 months old named Kayla. My family have lived in Steeleville, Ill
for 10 years where I worked with an open pit coal mining company with the
farming operation of 28,000 acres. The coal mine closed down and we headed to Tampa Florida, I worked with George Steinbrenner and building his new dry docks for ship building. Spent some time with working for Home Depot and then we decided to relocate to the mtn's of North Carolina after 16 yrs in Florida. We left our kids there and built our home and still putting finishing touches in it. We have lived here for 8 years now and have our own creek, spring, gardens and wildlife, so much quiet it's unreal. I have created many stained glass items and etched items on stone and wood, my hobbies are many and cover a wide range of Metaphysical/Psychic levels. We have interest in The Maya culture and have visited Mexico several times, with John Major Jenkins, author of many books concerning the Maya Calendar, While you all are having fun at the reunion we'll be in Guatemala at Copan digging. My wife is involved with scrapbooking and our grandbaby when we can she her, cause she's in Ohio. We pick blackberries from our ATV, for our home made wine, and can most of our garden items, which go into our cold room under our home. During last summer's vacation I finally
got to meet my birth father after 56 years, that was very special and we
hit it off very well, and we stay in touch, which is good. So my family grows and relationships
improve after all these years, It's great.... Family Pix after Turkey Day 2006 |