Ron Trapp
I just wanted to say hello to all the old Pattonville/Holman/St.
Ann elementary friends. I'm in Amsterdam at the moment and won't be able to
visit. I live in San Francisco but visit family and a few old friends nearly
every year. Rick McAfee and Steve
Reenan are two guys I see from the old days, plus Sharon West, a year younger
than us old school 67ers.
I remember the summer of love, l967; Steven and I worked in the inner city at Bussman Fuse Co., learning real life lessons in sociology, business, racism, etc., topics not covered much in top track Pattonville classes, unless i slept through them!!!
Boy, Joan Nolan certainly doesn't seem to have warm memories of the old days. Anyhow, have fun, hope everyone dresses appropriately (reminds me of sartorial battles 40 years ago!}, and mostly, peace/love/happiness: Ron Trapp