1967- Dec...married
1968...ha ha ha not enough space for this.
I married the same year I graduated, and had four wonderful children.
Lance, who teaches English in the Czech Republic; Jill, who is the mother of
three of my grandchildren, just graduated cum laude from Mo State U...and is now
working towards her Masters Degree in Psychology, Blake, just turned 30 and has
two little boys, the last two of grandkids, so far; and Craig, who lives with
his wife in upstate New York where he teaches chess and runs the chess club.
All four of my children are gifted writers, and my oldest son has had some work
published in THE ONION a few years ago when he lived in Denver.
We moved to Springfield about 24 years ago, where I started back to school,
sidetracked a bit to became a Medical Transcriptionist, and I have worked many
years in the hospital system here in town. Currently, I work from home for
Cedars-Sinai in CA, and am taking up a few college courses, where I left
off...So, though I may be 60+ before I earn my degree, it is quite exciting and
interesting venturing back into the academic world.
Widowed, and single again for the last few years, I enjoy writing, and have had
two poems published in the Poetry Journal, several years ago.
My joys in life are my five grandchildren, and spending time with them is a
privilege and gift I feel God has given to those of us who survive our own
children's TEENAGE YEARS!
I won't be coming back for the reunion, because my oldest son, Lance, is flying
back for a visit from the Czech Republic in August and I have not seen him in
nearly five years. His father flew to Prague last summer, but I was unable
to make the trip. Family is what is important to me, and we will all be
together again, in August, when Craig and his wife fly in from NY and Lance is
here. Their father, Gary LaSalle, lives two doors down from me and we are
very good friends. Hard not to be friends after 18+ years of marriage and 4
children/5 shared grandchildren! Life is good and every day, every day is a
I wish you all well and hope that your reunion is all you hope it to be.
Email: sassishe@aol.com
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