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Charlotte H. Baker Lindsley - 2066 Country Club Estate, Pacific, MO 63069,
(636) 271-3781.
Doris Ann Baldwin Noriega - Doris's
page, email: dorisnoriega@msn.com,
707-374-1407, Crystal Downs Dr., Rio Vista, CA 94571.
Arthur Barrett - Reunion.com - 516 Leslie Mitch Ct., Saint Charles, MO
63304-7476, (636) 441-5808.
Marty Barth Yardley - Marty's
3604 High Dr., St. Ann, MO 63074-2408,
Terry Alan Baughn, From Pamela Gossett,
Hi Deborah, I'm Terry Baughn's younger sister. He has been living in Pueblo, CO
for about 30 years now. If you tell me the details, I'll contact him about
the reunion. He doesn't have e-mail, believe it or not! I doubt that
he would come in for it, but it's worth a try.
Carol Beelek Kagley - 113 Kunze Dr. St. Charles Mo. 63303.
Louis Behnken & Cynthia Govro
Behnken, 10639 St. Stephen, St. Ann, MO
63074, (314) 429-0760.
Tom Belew - P.O. Box 992, Apache, Ok
Art Bell - DrABellChE@aol.com
5314 N. Stenning Dr., Peoria, IL 61615-2979, 309-693-2979, Art's
Linda Bell (not Art's wife)
William Paul Bender - 202 Carmi Ct., Cerro Gordo, IL 61818, 217-673-6900.
Barbara Benne Bullock - H=Rodney, 11561 Breezeway, Bridgeton, MO 63044,
(314) 291-5247. Can't come b/c recovering from knee surgery.
Richard Michael Bensinger - 5 Stratford Ln., St. Louis, MO 63144-1628,
Rose Berardino Mueller - Rose's page, 98 Heritage Lane, Troy, MO 63379, 636-462-5351,
Dwight Bingham
Tim Bishop - timmybishop1@charter.net,
4169 Gallatin, Bridgeton, MO 63044,
Tim's page.
Sheryl Blasé Williams - 2456 Country Pointe, Wentzville, MO 63385, (636)
Linda Boeckhaus Woodworth - Classmates.com
Christine Boenker Elwell - 3038 Autumn Lakes Ct., Maryland Heights, MO
63043, 1rca1105@sbcglobal.net.
Wilma (Willie) Boenker - wboenker@sbcglobal.net,
(636) 390-4486, 531 Stafford
Street, Washington, MO 63090.
Marilyn Bone Kelley - 2014 Burlewood Dr., St. Louis, MO 63146-3616.
Cronan - Her brother, on classmates.com, will contact her and let her know to contact us about the
Steve Boyer - Classmates.com, (509) 851-2617, 6408 Gehrig Dr., Pasco WA
Barb Branneky Patrick - 695 Wamblee Lane, San Jacinto, CA 92582,
315-440-9658, barbpatrick@verizon.net,
Barb's page.
Steve Branneky - 12040 Natural Bridge Rd. , Bridgeton, Missouri 63044.
Ed Brendecke & W=Bonnie Kelly - bkelly@everestkc.net,
8064 Monrovia St, , Lenexa, KS 66215, 913-649-4260.
Dick Bridges - 3470 Eastridge Ln., Saint Ann, MO 63074-3002, (314)
Michael Briner - m.briner@sbcglobal.net,
414 Harding, Maryland Heights, MO 63043, (314) 291-6881.
Mark Dennis Bristol - 44 Harbor Bend Ct., Lake Saint Louis, MO 63367,
James Edward Brown - 9035 Pallardy Ln., St. Louis, MO 63114-4031, 314-428-2397.
Shelia Brown Petershagen - Diane Bacon’s best friend, she will bring
Bill Brunjes - WBrunjes@kc.rr.com,
phone 816 587-9610, 8103 NW Eastside Dr., Weatherby Lake, MO 64152-1666.
Brenda Brunkhorst Lange -
Reunion.com, bnjlange@yahoo.com,
609 Roene West Columbia, Texas 77486, 979-380-7541.
I was just messing around on the internet and saw that you were searching for information on me. I have just recently retired from Wheaton College in Illinois and am living at 1438 Adrienne Circle, Sycamore, IL 60178. My cell phone is 815-762-0806 and my email is brulle@comcast.net or Andrew.Brulle@wheaton.edu. Is there other information that you'd like?
Andy Brulle
Sharon Rose Buckley Pfitzinger - 107 Scenic Pass, St. Peters, MO 63376.
Ronald Burns - 3572 Theresa Ave., St. Ann, MO 63074-2136, 314-291-2367.
John Busenhart - 660 429-1388, 240 NE County Rd V, Warrensburg, MO 64093.
John Byrnes - 27 Weatherby, St. Peters, MO 63376, (636) 926-0975.
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